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Be The Best - School

(School Development Program)

Institutes that makes a difference to the society 

About the Program

Remember, education is the one of the six industries that will never perish until human race lives on this planet. But only few schools and institutes are remembered for their contribution in creating responsible human beings for the larger interest of the society and mankind.

The program titled as “Institutes that makes a difference to the society” is catering to is a specialised educational institute development program based on consultancy model designed as per industry expectations. There are five pillars on which our consultancy approach towards education is based upon:

  • Uniqueness

  • Innovativeness

  • Transformational

  • Scientific

  • Customisability

All across India, hundreds of schools/institute are reaping the benefits of our services which are crafted by working in collaboration and in association with industry leaders. As the world around us is evolving rapidly, we believe in proactively staying ahead of the curve by understanding what kind of the future skill need, future thought leadership need and accordingly we help the institutes to steer their education models. In order to help you stay ahead, we provide a strategic roadmap using a step by step methodology.


This unique consultancy model can be implemented in 4 steps which help us to-

Step 1 - "As is" Study

The very first step in our partnership with you involves two primary aspects:

  1. Identification of the Needs, aspiration of Parents and children alike, functioning of local Society and its lifestyle, besides mapping of available teaching faculty in that area.

  2. Insightful understanding of the prevailing market environment

On the basis of this study, we meet and discuss with you the possible solutions and the plans required to realise those solutions. This is when the vision, mission and the purpose of your school and college is either crafted or revisited.

Step 2 - Planning

Once you understand the needs and requirements of your target audience and you are certain about the purpose of your school/college. Then we help you plan an action to accomplish that vision or achieve that purpose. There are seven major plans which need to be developed:

  • Conceptual Planning

  • Advertising and Branding Plans

  • Human Resource or Training Plans

  • Marketing and Sales Plans

  • Yearly Activity Plans

  • Support for Academic Calendar Planning

  • Business growth through CRS—a long term perspective in education business

Step 3 - Implementation

The first month is critical for implementation of the plans and this is the reason why we provide 2 visits in the first month. During our visit, we will collaborate with you to provide:

  • Training Sessions for

    • General administrative Staff

    • Teachers

    • Seminar for Parents & Society (For Indirect Marketing)

  • Counselling or special training session for students 

  • Classroom Interiors and Theme Finalisation (if required)

  • Play Area Designing (For Requirements of the Current Academic Year)

  • Support for Smooth Operations (Support for making SOP’s)

  • Individual plan for Teachers, Counsellors and Conceptual Class

  • Design Support (As & When Required for Branding Purpose)

  • Content Editing & Copywriting (If Required, charged separately)

Step 4 - Controlling & Monitoring

Every single aspect of implementation is closely monitored, so as to find out any problems and then work on them to find suitable solutions. This is the reason why our master trainer will provide 10 visits in an academic year apart from teams regular visits, so that we can work closely with you and your staff to help you stay in the right direction which would then enable you to achieve your vision and dreams for your school.

Program Duration

One academic year


Que. Can we take few of the above services
Ans. Yes, in case you would prefer only a select few amongst these or those of your choice, a customised package could also be created especially for your specific requirements in which the charges for only the services which you would like to avail would be included. However the cost of such select services will be different from the normal one-year package rate.

In case of any queries, please feel free to connect with us.

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