Key Note Speech Programs
Curated programs for chosen professions
Curated programs for chosen professions based on attitudinal, leadership, public speaking and life skill training.
A key note speech is a power packed high energy motivational program to boost performance of the entire team. Program outcomes can be planned and the speech will be always contemporary based on that day’s or week’s global development. When outcomes are connected to these developments, the receiver is able to see a tangible change before his/her eyes. Thus the speech becomes powerful charging the audience to the hilt. The subject can be anything under the sky and speakers are chosen as per the requirement.
Be The Best - Teacher
Teaching is the only profession that creates all other profession so it is very important for us to deliver the things rightly at the right time. This program will teach the teachers following things…
Be The Best - Parent
‘Parenting’ is an institution that has almost eroded in terms of value and upbringing the next generation not because of the fault of any parents but because of the rat race in the corporate sector making parents to pay little attention to their offsprings. This program deals with practical ides that can create a right balance between home, office and parenting.
Be The Best - Finance Literate
Unfortunately education which is suppose to support every individual to remain financially stable in life, does not concentrate to make the students finance literate. And remember money is the most required element for leading a decent life. Though, management and commerce programs do cover all the fundamentals required to achieve financial intelligence, individuals generally find it difficult to intelligently apply these principles when handling money and planning their life. This program develops the financial intelligence in the participants which is so very required in the current socio-economic situation. The facilitator uses everyday examples and anecdotes to teach these financial concepts and their application to succeed on the money front.
Be The Best - Student
Every child take birth with a unique individual attribute & with unlimited potential but if he/she is lacking in any area is just because he/she is not getting proper guidance to build right attitude towards life. A research shows that 85% failures are due to wrong attitude, this program will help them to build Rock solid Attitude with other life skills.
Be The Best - Leader
Leader is not somebody who is suppose to take work from people. That is the job of a manger. Leader is somebody who inspires people to work on their own and take responsibility for the future of theirs, society and as well as their office. Hence Leadership is a different role than being just an owner of a factory or a business. This program will give ideas on how to attract people towards self and make those followers work the way they are guided.
Be The Best - Sales Person
A good salesperson needs to satisfy a client's needs, hence he must have an ability to Listen, able to provide empathy knowing well that what his customers feel. Salesperson is not somebody who sells products for money but sell an intangible product like happiness, satisfaction that goes beyond money. This is the only profession where one can decide their own pay check. Hence this program takes to learn, Competitiveness, Networking Ability, Boost Confidence, make them self enthusiastic and create resilience in them.